Electronics TV Repair

Ph: (954) 353 5855​

Let’s talk about Main and power boards on TVs

One of the key pieces for our electronic device to work is the Main Board, this board is responsible for controlling the operation of sound, WIFI (if applicable), remote control signals, USB and HDMI ports, antennas, tuners, and more, that is why it is the main part...

Quality or size in my new TV?

When we think about changing our television, what is the first thing that comes to mind, a specific brand, resolution or screen size? We are going to show you the advantages of buying a recognized brand television and not being guided only by the size of the screens....

Smart Tv Vs. Children, what do our children see at home?

TCL no picture , Ft Lauderdale, Replaced power board. In our previous article we commented on the myth of viruses on Smart TVs , but there is actually a so more important issue to consider if we have children with access to a Smart TVs, because the content to which...

LED Replacement on LG & Samsung TVs

In our previous article (3 Common LED TVs Failures and Why Call a Fastech Technician) (Link) we discussed about the LEDs in most TVs can be replaced, but that doesn’t mean you should do it by yourself. Take a look below some replacement cases and what your...

Viruses on Smart TV

Have you ever wondered if your Smart TV can get viruses? New technologies bring with them new ways to take advantage of our electronic devices, and today we see many televisions at home connected directly to the internet, something that perhaps we never imagined 20+...